About IBG

About IBG

Industry Buying Group (IBG) is an employer-sponsored, provider-driven, health care purchasing alliance.

Guided by employers and providers, IBG is independent of any insurance company, third party administrator, and health care system or physician organization. This gives IBG a unique and selfless perspective on health care. Should you select IBG, you could expect its focus not to be in generating a return for stockholders but, rather, on generating a high level of satisfaction for your employees, significant savings for your companies, and reasonable return for providers.

Our network provides affordable, quality, community-driven healthcare to IBG members and employees.

From its inception in 1995, IBG has been committed to provide networks that encourage patients to use community providers whenever possible, including rural hospitals and physicians. Many organizations claim this commitment; IBG fulfills it.

It is not unusual for 80% or more of an IBG-member company’s health care expenditures to be retained in the local economy, reversing the typical trend experienced when a for-profit insurer directs the health plan.IBG’s results speak for themselves: significant and growing savings for patients and their employers, enhanced patient choice, improved access and increased stability in community health care systems.


Because the IBG network also includes leading tertiary providers and physician specialists, the most advanced care is also readily available when needed. A visionary solution to the challenge of providing quality, affordable health care to your employees can begin with the selection of IBG as the network.

We are not a claims payer, nor an insurer. We are an employer sponsored and provider driven community health care system. Employers are not required to change agent/brokers nor third party administrators. All claims are forwarded to IBG for repricing and then forwarded to a TPA for payment.

Need more information?

Call our toll free number
(888) 511-1878
or visit our contact us page.